An Italian Affair

I first went to Rome as a bright-eyed 21 year old, to stay with an Italian friend whom I had met in London, for a only a few days, a whole year previously. (I met this beautiful young Italian woman completely by default - my boyfriend & I cycled to Trafalgar Square to photograph a huge anti-vivisection demonstration that was taking place that day - I left him looking after my bike while I wondered through the crowds taking photos and on my return discovered the boyfriend 'chatting-up' this beautiful woman! Needless to say, I eventually ditched the boyfriend but did gain a life-long friend - but that's another story for another day!)

What could've been a disaster, (neither of us speaking each others language particularly well and staying with a family that I didn't know) turned into one of the most unforgettable holidays of my life. I not only made the most wonderful friend, but I was welcomed into her life and her family with a generosity that I could never even begun to have imagined!

I also fell in love... with Rome, that most compelling Eternal City.

1. Rome - Statue and Bird, 2. Rome, 3. Rome, Italy, 4. ROME, 5. Rome, 6. Rome: Spanish Steps - BW, 7. Rome, 8. Rome, 9. Rome

I have been back to Rome, many times since that first visit and it still has the power to bewitch me every single time. I am due to go back in a weeks time, to celebrate the marriage of that same beautiful Italian girl to the most wonderful man and I am beside myself with excitement! Not only is it 5 years since I was there last, but it is also the first trip I am going on without the husband and children - YAY!

I'm not going to have as much time as I would like to wander the streets but never fear, I will be keeping my eyes peeled for some button beauties! If you know Rome and have any suggestions as to where I should hunt them down look, or you have any other suggestions of your favourite haunts in Rome, then I would love to hear your comments.


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