Perpetual Button Calendar Tutorial

I have long been a fan of the work of Diane Gilleland from CraftyPod - not only does she produce some amazing work (she's mad about buttons too - so we can't help but love her!) but she also has lots helpful advice for crafters on how to use the web more effectively to promote their businesses.

She has produced this easy-to-follow Perpetual Button Calendar tutorial for Craftzine which looks great! 


  1. I love buttons and the calendar you made is super cute - what a creative idea! Thanks for being follower #1000 -- you made my day! My "follower" is not working! I'm going crazy without it but I'm making a list of blogs to follow as soon as I get it fixed and you are going on it! I have to see just what else can be made with buttons!

  2. Thanks so much, Stephanie, for featuring my calendar project here! I'm so glad you liked it. I'm also super glad to know about this blog! I just subscribed, and look forward to more buttony goodness!


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